Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall is Arriving in Ohio

Ok so of course i am way behind again!! my computer crashed this weekend so i am trying to find and gather stuff ! I thought i save her last set of pictures on a disc but can't find it!! ahwww i mess sometimes!! so i hopefully will get some pictures soon!! i wanted to get her last few emails on her blog because she has been working with an investigator named Joselyn and she is getting baptised and so i wanted her story so everyone can see what a miracle life can be for some people and how our Heavenly Father is looking for these wonderful people and how the missionaries find them!!

September 27, 2010

Good morning family!!

:) I glad you enjoyed the videos of me and Sister Stewart! heehee they were of the end of my first transfer so right before we were sent to Norwalk, then on our way to Norwalk. The one under the stairs was our second day in Norwalk when we had a tornado warning! We found out a couple days later that a tornado did actually touch down some miles away from Norwalk! No tornados since so few! And I not to sure about the potty dance???? hmmm...its been a while since I looked at the videos so I will have to watch them again to see what that potty dance was. lol I glad you got them working (now go hide my computer again heehee). I will do more videos of me, promise. I just don't like the camera but i know you will kick my bum if I don't send something! and I'm pretty fat now so its gross and embarrassing! Its so hard not to gain weight! Everyone loves to feed ya especially dessert and you feel bad to say no! Oh well don't judge :)
Oh and I have been trying to find my other SD card the one with the amish village pictures....i can't find it any where. Did it ever get sent back?? No worries though I had three so I have one to use....just wanted to see if it happens to be back there in Arizona.

Anyways, sheesh Arizona weather sounds a lot like Ohio weather just not as hot of course. We started off last week in the 80's and then climbed up the the 90's but for the last two days its been in the 60's and today its rainy and cold!! They say by the end of October is when it will start getting really cold. The leaves are starting to change! Just a little bit! Its so pretty. I'll take lots of pics so you guys can see what a "real" fall looks like!

Remember Joselyn??? The 23 year old who walked into the church and asked how to be converted?
We taught her another lesson last week. Well I wouldn't really say we are teaching her. Its more like she is teaching her self and we are there to say yes thats true or to further explain something. Last week she pulled out her "Mormonism for Dummies" book all highlighted with questions written out for us to answer. Basically she taught the Plan of Salvation to us and we just added our testimonies! Joselyn says to us with the biggest smile on her face "you know that when you like a boy and you get that excited feeling when he comes around....I feel that way when Im reading and learning" heehee
Can you believe this?? She has been listening to the Book of Mormon on tape because its easier for her. She is already to Mosiah! Her mom Dail is not really interested like I said but we can tell her heart is softening toward it. She is always at the lessons and comes to church with her each week. This last week she asked if me and Sister Stewart would be at Joselyn's baptism (just a side note...we haven't really talked a whole lot about baptism up to this point. Our first time we met them Dail told us to take it slow and that Joeslyn is different and she wont learn as fast as we are use to but yeah I pretty sure Joselyn is progressing faster then any other investigator I've seen around...her mom just doesn't know heehee)
We then started telling them about transfers, which are in 2 weeks by the way, oh and yes tears were shed because we know that one of us will most likely be getting transferred and therefore most likely wont be at the baptism. Dail even shed a few tears her self and Joselyn said "Oh!! then I have to get baptized before you leave" heehee
Yup so thats Joselyn!! She is praying about a date and so are we. Her and her mom came to the Relief Society broadcast on Saturday. She had to leave early because she wasn't feeling to well. She still is really weak from her illness what ever it may be and she is planning on being at conference or watching it on TV. Because of her great enthusiastic excitement for learning about the church I realized how much I take advantage of this great thing that I have!!!! Its an amazing thing to watch the change take place in someones life and how happy they are when they find the truth and recognize more fully the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!

I loved the Relief Society Broadcast!!! Right when it started I had to try really hard to hold back the tears because I was thinking about ya Mom and Shalyse!! It was really different with you not there. We were in the Relief Society room with about 20 other ladies watching it on a TV. I can't wait for conference! Did you know i get to watch 3 conferences while i on my mission?? Crazy!!! I'll be thinking about you cuddle up in your blankets and pjs missin ya like crazy!!

Well family i better go! I love you all very much and miss you a ton! I hope you are all doing well!! Remember the church is true!!

Sister Houston

1 comment:

  1. Glad "Mormonism For Dummies" is helping people (I'm the coauthor).
