Tori sent a few pictures home this week so i will get them on as soon as possible!! She is happy and adorable as always!! We love that smiling face!!!
"Service" What missionaries do best!!!
September 20, 2010
Good morning family!
Sounds like its been a rough week for you all. I got your letter mom about Kael on Tuesday. Scared me to death to hear what happened!!!!! I figured since I didn't get a call from President that everything was going ok so im glad that he is doing better and that everything is healing well. I'll wait to get the letters for more details....hopefully today.
Well another week gone. I can't believe I'm already half way through this transfer. It was a good week though. There is a lady in the ward who bakes cakes for a living. She needed extra hands so Sister Stewart and I got to go over for a few hours to help! Everyone in the house smokes but her so yeah by the time we left my eyes and throat were burning! Yup I'm pretty sure I'm a second hand smoker....nasty nasty nasty! EVERYONE smokes. You'll just be sitting there visiting someone and they wip out a cigarrette right there! Its gross. My poor poor body.
Anyways oh and yesterday we almost died. We were walking back to our car and there was a big dog on a leash. We didn't pay any attention to it of course because its on a leash....duh. Next thing ya know he is charging at us, i mean CHARGING! It was scary!! You should of seen Sister Stewarts face! Classic! I just ran for the street. Guess I need to work on my Charity huh heehee
Anyways I don't think I ever told you about Joselyn.....
A few Sunday's ago there was a wedding being held at the church building in Sandusky. Bishop was there early getting some things done. There were a few of the guests already arriving and in walks Joselyn with her mom, Dail. Bishop greets them thinking they are just there for the wedding but really she came in to find out how she can be converted to our church! Really thats what she asked, Crazy huh!!
She is 23 years old and is recovering from an illness. We aren't really sure exactly what this illness is and she doesn't want to tell us. Before she got sick she was a certified nursing assistant and was going to college with hopes of adventually becoming a doctor. Whatever she has caused her to be in bed for 3 years and just a couple weeks before bishop met her had she been up walking around. Her therapist i guess told her to find god and told her about the mormons. She wonts say anymore than that but she did all kinds of research on the internet about us mormons! hee hee What caught her eye was the 13 Article of Faith and Temples so that is why she set out to find the church building so she could learn more. Her mom isn't really interested but she is always there to support her because of how weak she is. She is so pale and shaky and i guess suffers from depression. Its a strange situation.
We met with her for the first time two weeks ago, answered her questions and taught the first lesson. Last week she was in the hospital but we met with her again on Saturday. The first question she asked was what can I do the get baptized!!! She's been reading a book called the key to conversion and is always either reading or listening to the Book of Mormon on CD. She even went and bought "Mormonism for dummbies" from Borders book store! Heehee
This is so unreal to me! She has already been to church twice now! She said that she is so excited to keep learning and you can tell! Ahhh I so excited! I will keep you updated on her progress!
Well family I better go I have to go fill out a missionary survey before my time is up. I will be sending home pictures this week so look for them. I love you all so much!
Sister Houston
Anyways I don't think I ever told you about Joselyn.....
A few Sunday's ago there was a wedding being held at the church building in Sandusky. Bishop was there early getting some things done. There were a few of the guests already arriving and in walks Joselyn with her mom, Dail. Bishop greets them thinking they are just there for the wedding but really she came in to find out how she can be converted to our church! Really thats what she asked, Crazy huh!!
She is 23 years old and is recovering from an illness. We aren't really sure exactly what this illness is and she doesn't want to tell us. Before she got sick she was a certified nursing assistant and was going to college with hopes of adventually becoming a doctor. Whatever she has caused her to be in bed for 3 years and just a couple weeks before bishop met her had she been up walking around. Her therapist i guess told her to find god and told her about the mormons. She wonts say anymore than that but she did all kinds of research on the internet about us mormons! hee hee What caught her eye was the 13 Article of Faith and Temples so that is why she set out to find the church building so she could learn more. Her mom isn't really interested but she is always there to support her because of how weak she is. She is so pale and shaky and i guess suffers from depression. Its a strange situation.
We met with her for the first time two weeks ago, answered her questions and taught the first lesson. Last week she was in the hospital but we met with her again on Saturday. The first question she asked was what can I do the get baptized!!! She's been reading a book called the key to conversion and is always either reading or listening to the Book of Mormon on CD. She even went and bought "Mormonism for dummbies" from Borders book store! Heehee
This is so unreal to me! She has already been to church twice now! She said that she is so excited to keep learning and you can tell! Ahhh I so excited! I will keep you updated on her progress!
Well family I better go I have to go fill out a missionary survey before my time is up. I will be sending home pictures this week so look for them. I love you all so much!
Sister Houston
Oh just a side note.... we told her about kael and his emergency surgery he had!! its really tough to not be able to let her know about emergency things like that!! but all is good with Kael, and we are still glad she is on a mission!!
"Mormonism for Dummies" Really?? what will people think of next!!
This email is one of my favorites: baking cakes, big doggies, and "golden" investigators!!
She is just an awesome missionary!!!
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