Sunday, October 2, 2011


Oh my, Tori is an amazing missionary....I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of all these Sisters who serve so diligently. She is truly going to miss this when she returns home to all of us.

Sister Houston's email:
September 6, 2011

Hey wonderful family,
Ah! What an amazing week!!!! Im excited to tell you about it! But was your week? Did you all have a good Labor day? We had a very large feast here in usual right :) I went home very full. It was a fun night. I love being around these Sisters and Senior Couples. They truly shine with the light of Christ. I hope you all had a fabulous Labor Day too!
Thursday we got some information about a man named Leroy who was a former investigator in one of the sisters areas, the Chardon area. Im not sure how long they taught him, but he ended up moving to Texas for a few months. The sisters who are now serving in the area noticed his teaching record awhile back and have been wanting to call him to see if he was back in town. Well these two sisters, Sister Decker and Sister Wheeler were chatting one day with Sister Debenham who was one of the missionaries who taught Leroy (hopefully this is not confusing). Anyways, Sister Debenham randomly brought him up and the Chardon Sisters were like "Hey! We've been looking at his teaching record and have wanted to call him!" in Kirtland Sister Debenham called up Leroy and found out he's back in Ohio! So cool how the Lord works. He knows his children and when we seek for his help he with guide us by the Spirit.
Leroy is amazing!!!!! He's from Texas, single guy with three beautiful daughters. Gabby who is 12, Shandra 11 and Bianca 9. We called him Friday, taught him Saturday and he came to church on Sunday! With all his girls!!! Leroy's been prepared for this. Experiences he's had in his life have opened his heart. He grew up Catholic but did not appreciate the hypocrisy he saw. He's been going to different churches around town but hasn't been satisfied with any of them so far. He has an incredible testimony of the Savior. He even spent Saturday morning here in Kirtland taking a tour of the sites with his girls. I guess he's been here before and loves it! Through out the lesson he kept saying that he just wants to be better! He wants to be better for his girls and wants to help them have a good life. Heavenly Father also inspired us to call up a young couple in the ward who just moved in to invite them to come with us. It turned out perfectly! Leroy is searching! When we invited him to be baptized he said yes when he knows these things are true. Missionary work is the best. I love seeing people happy! This Gospel is whats going to bring that happiness into his life. I know that to be true.
We also saw Barbara this week too! Remember her?? I wish I had time to tell you all about her!! We lost contact with her for about a month, then one day Sister Gambles first week she called us! I was shocked but very very happy! Apparently she got in a bad car accident. She's hurt her leg pretty bad. We've kept contact with her over the last couple weeks over the phone, dropped some cookies off but haven't been able to teach her. We've been praying and praying for help! Well when I was talking to her on Friday, I felt prompted to ask if she would be willing to receive a priesthood blessing. She jumped at the chance! The blessing was beautiful and powerful. After we asked how she felt and her response was "I just feel warm and safe." Sister Gamble and I recommitted her to met with us. She said yes! I love her. She's so amazing.
We've seen so many miracles this week. I wish I could tell you them all!

Oh and Collin unfortunately didn't come to church. He's nervous about this all. Nervous about change. I'll have to let you know what happens from here.

Missionary work is the Lords work. He's guiding us in everything we do! I've see it more and more everyday. Heavenly Father wants all his children to come back to him! I love the Gospel and know its true.

I love you family! I hope you all have a wonderful week! Don't forget to write me :)

Sister Houston

PS Sorry this is so long :)

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