Sister Houston's email:
August 15, 2011
How are you??
I sure do love all of you soooooooooo much.
Your perfect. God knew i would need you in my life!! Thanks for everything you always do for me.
I'm doing great!! Oh my what a challenging week though.
It seems that these Ohioans have become very very rude in the last couple weeks. What a struggle its been to get people to even talk to us and then to be nice when they do choose to talk to us. Oh my goodness what a struggle we have had!!
BUT, in all the struggle and hardships so many good things have come out of this week.
We had our last lesson with Jim on Thursday before he headed off to college. I think I told you last week that we've been having a hard time knowing how to help him recognize the Holy Ghost. Well....through A LOT of prayer and study, God prepared us in the ways we needed to be so we could help Jim. The spirit was there as we all, including the members present, shared scriptures, personal experience and testimony with him. His countenance changed by the end of the lesson. I knew he understood better. I knew that even though he doesn't understand everything, that good feeling was keeping him motivated to want to learn more and to want to make changes in his life. He is building Faith in Jesus Christ and becoming converted through the power of the spirit even though he might not recognize it fully just yet. God's love is the greatest thing we can ever feel in this life!!!! Jim is such a great kid! We had dinner with the members and him right after the lesson. While they were preparing it, Sister Gamble and I got to know him better and asked about his family. Then we invited him to ask his mom if she would learn about the Gospel and his face lite up! Gosh this Gospel is the greatest thing ever! It will change their lives! Hopefully his mom will be open :)
Now he is off at college and in the Elders hands. Hopefully we will see him again soon! He'll be back to visit once football slows down.
We also had a great experience that strengthened my testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon. There is a lady in the ward named Sylvia Barker. Sister Barker has had a very very rough life. She joined the church in 1988, was active for a while and then fell away. She's been active now for a couple years and went through the Temple a little less then a year ago. Sister Barker lives by her self in a scary neighborhood, has no car or job, and her family is not very supportive. She has been searching for a job for a really really long time. Sister Gamble and I had the great opportunity to go do service for her and have dinner. She was telling us how she is feeling so down and just doesn't understand why Heavenly Father wont help her out. She feels she's doing everything she can. Well...we shared a message about the book of mormon and felt prompted to ask her how she gained a testimony of it. She did what Moroni invites us to, ponder the message and ask God if its true. An overwhelming feeling came over her and she knew! We felt prompted to re-invite her to do Moroni's invitation and promised if she did she would find the answer she needs. Yesterday at church she came up to us so happy and said she did it! She felt comforted by the Holy Ghost and was reassured that God's aware of her and loves her! Amazing huh? The Book of Mormon is true.
I love my life. I'm so blessed. God's aware of us and wants us to know of his great love! This life is a time to prepare ourselves for eternity. Our eternal destiny depends on our willingness to follow Jesus Christ! We are here to become perfected through His Atonement. I love that I've had this opportunity to share this with Ohio because as I've done so I've come to know for a surety the truthfulness of this gospel. It makes me happy to serve others. It makes me happy to know that all the unfair things of life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. My testimony was strengthened this week.
I love you and hope you all have a fabulous week!!!!
Sister Houston
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tori had a camera problem about this time!! It decided it wanted a drink of orange juice....not such a good idea!!!! bad i had to find a camera and get it sent to her as soon as possible. i am not sure when she will be able to send more pictures! soon we hope!!
Tori kept her new companion alive the first week....can't wait to hear more! Hopefully Tori will help her out if she ends up with two different shoes on ....since that is her area of expertice!! hee hee
Sister Houston's email:
August 8, 2011
hi family!
I've survived my first week as a trainer! Woohoo!!!!!!
Sister Gamble is still living as well. She seems pretty happy too. Thats a good sign right :)
What an amazing person Sister Gamble is! I've only known her a week and I already love her so much. She has a powerful testimony and such a sincere desire to do everything she can to be her best so that the Lord can use her to bless others. Im grateful for her example. She's from Farmington, Utah and is the baby of the family, has two older sisters and two older brothers.
Its been a good week. Im not to stressed. I remember my first transfer on the mission and how flustered i was and how inadequate i felt....remember my shoes!! :)
My heart is soooo full. I feel closer to Heavenly Father. I've been trying my hardest to help Sister Gamble stay unflustered and adjust to mission life. might make me feel better if she walks out of the house with two different shoes hee hee just kidding no no no i dont want that.
We've had great teaching experience. Sister Morrell and I met with Jim last tuesday. We finally set a baptismal date with him!!! September 18th!!! Sister Gamble and I met with him again last night. We taught the first part of the plan of salvation and answered questions he had. Jims still on fire with the book of mormon, continuing to pray, coming to church and last night he went to another fireside. The struggle im having is helping Jim recognize answers to his prayers and the blessings he's receiving, helping him recognize the spirit. Im not quite sure how to do it. He's expressed how he feels good after praying and reading, but he's not recognizing that as an answer. Yesterday at the end of the lesson I asked how he's feeling about baptism, how his prayers were going. He said he wasn't really sure. Sister Gamble and I shared Gal 5:22 with him...."the fruits of the spirit are joy, love, peace, goodness". As Sister Gamble testified of how these feelings he has are of the God the spirit came flooding into the room. You could see his countenance change! I love these experiences. It always reminds me why im out here. I pray Jim will continue enduring and eventually he will understand. We have one more meeting with him and then he's off to Wooster College on Friday. Its only about an hour away so Im sure he'll be around.
Well i better get going! I loved Mitchell's email. Thanks for sending it to me. You can learn so much about the gospel and about Christ by the example of others. Always remember your blessings!!
Thanks for everything and for all your prayers! I feel the power of them everyday! Have a great week.
Sister Houston
PS Hunter enjoy your first day of school!!!!!!! I love you!!
Sister Houston's email:
August 2, 2011
Hey family,
Its been a very eventful and excited week for me. Sister Gamble is flying to Ohio as we speak! She will be my new companion as of tomorrow :)
Im sad to see Sister Morrell go. She is the most amazing person EVER! I've learned a lot from her. I've learned a lot from each on of my companions. They've all helped me come to understand my purpose!!
Last Tuesday i had a trainers meeting at the mission home. Oh my how awkward i felt being the only sister among 12 elders and President basically all day. Sister Morrell went to another area and Sister Sorensen was busy working around the house. ha i felt silly. It was a fabulous meeting despite feeling silly. What stuck with me was how each one of my comanions helped me to get to this point where the Lord could entrust me with the sacred responsiblity.
Im excited to meet Sister Gamble tomorrow. Nervous of course but very excited. I received a priesthood blessing from Elder Edman yesterday. He's the Site Director for the Historical Sites. I know the priesthood is the power of God. The same power used to create the heavens and the earth!! Im grateful to know i have access to it. It brings me so much comfort and peace. Thanks Dad for allowing us to grow up in a home with the priesthood!!
Missionary work is the best family! There is a lot to learn about my purpose still. The more I understanding, the greater my gratitude is for this opportunity. Heavenly Father is helping me see that my purpose as a missionary is the same purpose i should carry with me through out my life. Its something i will carry with me into the eternities!!!
Have i told you about Jim yet??
I dont think so.
Jim is our investigator as of two weeks ago. He is awesome! Jim has been coming to church for over a month with his girlfriend and her family. Sister Morrell and I have been keeping an eye on him :) We waited until his girlfriend would invite him to meet with us. It all worked out in the Lords timing. We've met with him a few times now in the members home. He has great questions and has a sincere desire to learn what this is all about. He's already up to 1 Nephi 15 in the Book of Mormon!!!! Yesterday when we called to confirm our appointment for tonight he had so many questions and said that as he's been reading and praying he's felt good. He can see the difference in his day because of these simple small acts of faith. This last weekend he also had an opportunity to go to youth conference. Ah its been such a great experience teaching him and helping him to receive a witness from the spirit that this is all true! That God has a plan for him!
He hads back to college on the 12th of this month but he'll be back to visit some weekends. The missionaries down there will do great in helping him prepare for baptism!
Well i better get going! We have lots to do today to help Sister Morrell get ready for transfers. I love you family! I hope you all have a fabulous week!! Be safe!!
Sister Houston
PS thanks dad and hunter for my letters!!!!!! Im pretty sure I smiled all day yesterday :) its true ask sister morrell
August 2, 2011
Hey family,
Its been a very eventful and excited week for me. Sister Gamble is flying to Ohio as we speak! She will be my new companion as of tomorrow :)
Im sad to see Sister Morrell go. She is the most amazing person EVER! I've learned a lot from her. I've learned a lot from each on of my companions. They've all helped me come to understand my purpose!!
Last Tuesday i had a trainers meeting at the mission home. Oh my how awkward i felt being the only sister among 12 elders and President basically all day. Sister Morrell went to another area and Sister Sorensen was busy working around the house. ha i felt silly. It was a fabulous meeting despite feeling silly. What stuck with me was how each one of my comanions helped me to get to this point where the Lord could entrust me with the sacred responsiblity.
Im excited to meet Sister Gamble tomorrow. Nervous of course but very excited. I received a priesthood blessing from Elder Edman yesterday. He's the Site Director for the Historical Sites. I know the priesthood is the power of God. The same power used to create the heavens and the earth!! Im grateful to know i have access to it. It brings me so much comfort and peace. Thanks Dad for allowing us to grow up in a home with the priesthood!!
Missionary work is the best family! There is a lot to learn about my purpose still. The more I understanding, the greater my gratitude is for this opportunity. Heavenly Father is helping me see that my purpose as a missionary is the same purpose i should carry with me through out my life. Its something i will carry with me into the eternities!!!
Have i told you about Jim yet??
I dont think so.
Jim is our investigator as of two weeks ago. He is awesome! Jim has been coming to church for over a month with his girlfriend and her family. Sister Morrell and I have been keeping an eye on him :) We waited until his girlfriend would invite him to meet with us. It all worked out in the Lords timing. We've met with him a few times now in the members home. He has great questions and has a sincere desire to learn what this is all about. He's already up to 1 Nephi 15 in the Book of Mormon!!!! Yesterday when we called to confirm our appointment for tonight he had so many questions and said that as he's been reading and praying he's felt good. He can see the difference in his day because of these simple small acts of faith. This last weekend he also had an opportunity to go to youth conference. Ah its been such a great experience teaching him and helping him to receive a witness from the spirit that this is all true! That God has a plan for him!
He hads back to college on the 12th of this month but he'll be back to visit some weekends. The missionaries down there will do great in helping him prepare for baptism!
Well i better get going! We have lots to do today to help Sister Morrell get ready for transfers. I love you family! I hope you all have a fabulous week!! Be safe!!
Sister Houston
PS thanks dad and hunter for my letters!!!!!! Im pretty sure I smiled all day yesterday :) its true ask sister morrell
Tori had a couple nice surprises this week!! The first was her grandma Alice, Aunt Melanie, and Benjamin stopped by the Kirtland sites on their way home from seeing family. She was so excited to see them! Thanks to Melanie for picking the right day to go to Kirtland. Tori is only there on Tuesdays!! lucky or fate?
The second surprise is that Tori was asked to be a trainer!! yipee!! I really don't think she thought she would do be a trainer! But i am so happy she is having this oportunity to help this new sister missionary feel the strong spirit and love that Tori has for this work! She only has two transfers left!!
Sister Houston's email:
July 25, 2011
Hey family,
Its been quite an eventful week!
Maybe you already know but I had a nice little surprise come to me on Tuesday!!!! Ha K so i was up stairs working on the phones. Sister Gifford, one of the senior couples manning the down stairs called up and asked for another companionship to do a tour. Sister Morrell and I had already had one earlier. Then just a few minutes later she called back up and said "Sister Houston.....can you come down stairs? ......We need to make a change." ummm...ok what does that mean? I obediently and nervously went down stair with Sister Morrell and.... SURPRISE!!!!! I see Aunt Melanie, Grandma Alice and Benjamin sitting on the couch!!!!!! What in the world are you doing here???? Thats literally what i asked hee hee
What a great day! It was so fun to take them on tour even though i was nervous, well more nervous then usual. I think they enjoyed it :) If the Spirit was there it was good right??
Grandma was so cute. When Sister Morrell was doing one of the rooms she stopped and raised her hand and started talking about how her mom raised her in the gospel and what a good thing its been for her life! Man I love my family so much! How excited for Jessica!!! Do you know if she got her mission call yet??? Please let me know as soon as you can. I want to know where she is going. Maybe Kirtland.....
I also have some more news....
Saturday evening we went up to Kirtland to have a dinner with all the senior couples and sister missionaries. It was to celebrate pioneer day. President Sorensen and his wife were there. At the end of the night President pulled me aside and asked if i would except the calling to train......
yup train......
me training......
Transfers are not until next Wednesday. There is only one sister coming out and 10 Elders. It took me awhile to be ok with this. I think I can do this.....hopefully :)
oh man im so nervous but what a great opportunity to help this sister come to understand her purpose as a missionary for the Lord.
Its been a great week. Im sorry this email is so short. I had to write my mission president and it took me forever!!! Now we need to go make bread :) im excited. Sorry that means I probably wont be able to write any letters today but i promise i will do better next week! So if you don't get any letters please forgive me!!!
Family I love you all so much. I hope your doing well. Cant wait to hear how Hunters doing and Dad stop being silly. I cant spell either so i will be able to read your letter i promise!!!
I know this gospel is true. Its so comforting to know that we have a purpose in this life!! I'll leave you with a quote Sister Everson sent me:
"What Does It Feel Like to Remember Your Soul's Task?"
When the deepest part of you becomes engaged in what you're doing, when your activities and actions become gratifying and purposeful, when what you do serves both yourself and others, when you do not tire within but seek the sweet satisfaction of your life and your are doing what you were meant to be doing. The personality that is engaged in the work of its soul is buoyant! It is not burdened with negativity. It does not fear. It experiences purposefulness and meaning. It delights in its work and in others. It is fulfilled and fulfilling!
-Gary Zukav
Always remember who you are as children of God and members of Christ church. Everyone has a purpose to fulfill! it will bring lasting happiness and sweet joy into your life!!! Strive to fulfill it!
The second surprise is that Tori was asked to be a trainer!! yipee!! I really don't think she thought she would do be a trainer! But i am so happy she is having this oportunity to help this new sister missionary feel the strong spirit and love that Tori has for this work! She only has two transfers left!!
Sister Houston's email:
July 25, 2011
Hey family,
Its been quite an eventful week!
Maybe you already know but I had a nice little surprise come to me on Tuesday!!!! Ha K so i was up stairs working on the phones. Sister Gifford, one of the senior couples manning the down stairs called up and asked for another companionship to do a tour. Sister Morrell and I had already had one earlier. Then just a few minutes later she called back up and said "Sister Houston.....can you come down stairs? ......We need to make a change." ummm...ok what does that mean? I obediently and nervously went down stair with Sister Morrell and.... SURPRISE!!!!! I see Aunt Melanie, Grandma Alice and Benjamin sitting on the couch!!!!!! What in the world are you doing here???? Thats literally what i asked hee hee
What a great day! It was so fun to take them on tour even though i was nervous, well more nervous then usual. I think they enjoyed it :) If the Spirit was there it was good right??
Grandma was so cute. When Sister Morrell was doing one of the rooms she stopped and raised her hand and started talking about how her mom raised her in the gospel and what a good thing its been for her life! Man I love my family so much! How excited for Jessica!!! Do you know if she got her mission call yet??? Please let me know as soon as you can. I want to know where she is going. Maybe Kirtland.....
I also have some more news....
Saturday evening we went up to Kirtland to have a dinner with all the senior couples and sister missionaries. It was to celebrate pioneer day. President Sorensen and his wife were there. At the end of the night President pulled me aside and asked if i would except the calling to train......
yup train......
me training......
Transfers are not until next Wednesday. There is only one sister coming out and 10 Elders. It took me awhile to be ok with this. I think I can do this.....hopefully :)
oh man im so nervous but what a great opportunity to help this sister come to understand her purpose as a missionary for the Lord.
Its been a great week. Im sorry this email is so short. I had to write my mission president and it took me forever!!! Now we need to go make bread :) im excited. Sorry that means I probably wont be able to write any letters today but i promise i will do better next week! So if you don't get any letters please forgive me!!!
Family I love you all so much. I hope your doing well. Cant wait to hear how Hunters doing and Dad stop being silly. I cant spell either so i will be able to read your letter i promise!!!
I know this gospel is true. Its so comforting to know that we have a purpose in this life!! I'll leave you with a quote Sister Everson sent me:
"What Does It Feel Like to Remember Your Soul's Task?"
When the deepest part of you becomes engaged in what you're doing, when your activities and actions become gratifying and purposeful, when what you do serves both yourself and others, when you do not tire within but seek the sweet satisfaction of your life and your are doing what you were meant to be doing. The personality that is engaged in the work of its soul is buoyant! It is not burdened with negativity. It does not fear. It experiences purposefulness and meaning. It delights in its work and in others. It is fulfilled and fulfilling!
-Gary Zukav
Always remember who you are as children of God and members of Christ church. Everyone has a purpose to fulfill! it will bring lasting happiness and sweet joy into your life!!! Strive to fulfill it!
Sister Houston's email:
July 18, 2011
Hey family,
How are you all doing?
Im doing great! Its been a good week. We've been staying with the Bishop and his wife Sister Herman. They live on VICTORIA DR!!! Sister Higley headed out to California for the week to see her great aunt. Since Bro. Higley is still around we had to move into bishops until she gets home. Its been fun! Its just bishop and his wife home. Their 4 kids are married or in school, and their youngest son Cole just headed out on his mission to El Salvador.
there is not much to tell about our investigators. We have been unsuccessful at contacting Barbara. I haven't lost hope though so no worries. Its seems to always go this way. There life gets quite crazy once we come seems everything possible happens for them to not meet with us. Its ok. I know she is in the Lords hands. We are going to stop by this next week. I'll let you know what happens!
Natalie, the 13 year old granddaughter of a member in our ward, is progressing slowly. I told you about her in my email I sent on May 31st. We've been trying to help Natalie understand the importance of prayer and why Heavenly Father wants her to talk to him. She is such a sweet girl, but unfortunately her growing up years haven't been the greatest. Her mom is in and out of jail and her dad isn't in the picture. This girl LOVES her mom so much! All she wants to do is be with her. Makes me that much more grateful for my life, my circumstances! I have the best parents ever! :)
We also met with Vera finally. She has been so busy at school and with her family that we haven't been able to meet with her for a couple weeks. Tonight we will be starting the lessons for her husband Christophe's sons, Etienne and Ronan. They are 12 and 10 years old. What a great opportunity it is to teach youngens!!! Oh my is it hard but such a tender mercy.
That's about it with investigators. Oh oh oh wait a can I forget about Subrat. He is our newest investigator. We found him on Wednesday tracting and taught him Friday. It was an interesting lesson. Subrat is currently going to Hiram College. He moved over from Nepal to get an education. He grew up Hindu but said he wont really refer to himself as a Hindu. One of his cousins is going to BYU studying to by an engineer and this cousin of his is not a member. That's kind of all the contact Subrat has had with the church. In our lesson we taught about the Godhead. It was hard to understand his beliefs. They are interesting....Subrat has an open mind and he is definitely searching for answers. We'll see what happens!
I think the highlight of the week is an experience we had with a less active member. Her name is Angie. Angie grew up in the church but all her family is in-active including her mom, sister and brother. She and her fiance of 10 years have 3 young kids. She's been saying for a while that they will come to church but something always seems to come up. Her family stays away mostly because they dont feel welcomed and they feel out of place. They aren't the cleanest of people, have ragged clothes, tattoos and they smoke. Angie's been prayerfully reading the book of mormon and praying. When we met with her she said that this last week shes seen her desires changing. Before she didn't care that she was smoking, had no desire to stop or change anything in her life. Now she feels guilty for all the wrong she is doing. I love having this opportunity to witness the change in people as they come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The power that flows into our lives from reading the Book of Mormon is real. As we come closer to Heavenly Father and come to really know who Christ is, we can't help but want to make changes.
Well I better get going. Sister Morrell and I are going to make bread with a member from the ward. I think we are even going to grind the wheat!!! Im excited. Sorry I may not be able to send any letters this week...I'll definitely try!!
I love you family!!!! I hope you all have a great week.
Sister Houston
PS Dont forget to write me!!!
PSS Happy birthday dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a letter sent from the Bishop of the Hiram Ward that Tori and her companion stayed with for a couple weeks!!
Hello Brother and Sister Houston,
I am Joe Herman, Bishop of the Hiram Ward where your daughter is currently serving. I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for raising such a wonderful, hard working and righteous daughter. Sister Houston is a great example of what a missionary should be. She is always enthusiastic and positive. She and her companion, Sister Morrell, have made great strides in helping to move missionary work forward in our ward.
For the past week, she and her companion have been living in our home due to a vacation taken by the Sister who is in the home where they normally live. It has been so wonderful to have the two of them here with us. Sister Houston is very conscientious and since our last child reported to the MTC three weeks ago, it is great to have them in our home to bring back that youthful spirit. I also appreciate her ability to communicate with individuals at all levels.
We hope that she will be in our ward for a while as she really is making a difference. I know that being far away from your child for so long can be difficult. Thanks for allowing the Lord to send her here to Hiram. If I can do anything for you, please let me know. May God bless you all.
By the way, our oldest son, Brent, served close by you in the Tempe Mission and also married a young lady from Gilbert. Our daughter lived close by and met her husband while living in the Phoenix area. So, we have a fondness for AZ
Best Regards,
Joseph N. Herman
Bishop, Hiram Ward
Sister Houston's email:
July 11, 2011
Hey family,
Well, how is everyone?? Im doing good. Its been a good week...
Lets see where to start...
Well, Barbara was busy with her family all week so unfortunately we were not able to meet with her. Her daughter had surgery and she's had her grand kids over. Our last lesson with her was on Sunday, the one I emailed home about. After that lesson we scheduled a time to come back tonight, which is still on by the way. Yay!
Usually we try to have daily contact some how with all our investigators to help keep them on track and meet with them at least once a week. We were kind of worried about the long gap with out seeing or talking to her. hee hee its probably not long to her, right, but to us its a pretty long time. A WHOLE WEEK!! But....the Lord provided a way for us to see her :)
Thursday morning we had an appointment set up with someone we tracted into who lives right across the street from Barbara actually. He was a no show. We even got a member to come. As we were talking to the member about his less active wife, Barbara came outside! She had visitors so we waited a little bit before we headed over to say hello. It was great. She told us about her daughters surgery and called us later that night to let us know everything went well. We are very excited to see her tonight and hopefully she will come to church on Sunday!
Ok anyways, Sister Morrell and I had another way cool experience while tracting this week. We were tracting a street that had a bunch of cars parked along the side. There was a hidden park somewhere back in the trees. Some kind of game was going on...maybe baseball. I dont know but anyways there were people coming and going from this little path way. We talked to everyone we could. Most were not interested. We continued down the road and we see this young man walking up the side walk on the opposite side of the road. I had a thought to go talk to him. Then i selfishly started to make up excuses not to like "oh he's to young" or "he's walking to fast its to late". Then, my wonderful companion who was receiving the same prompting as I was thinking these things yelled out "hey you! Can we talk to you for a minute?" Matthew, thats the young man's name, walked right on over surprisingly with out any hesitation. We ended up talking to him for a good 15 minutes or so. Matthew is not religious mostly because of his parents but he has lots and lots of questions that he wants answers to. We set up a time to go back this next week. It was a great experience. Another eye opener for me! We pray everyday for the Lord to put people in our path. He does and the Spirit is there to prompt us, but we wont know it until we act on those promptings.
Well, thats all for now. I love you family. I love the gospel and know its true. Its a blessing to know that there is more to our lives then just living. Our choices have meaning! They are preparing us for the eternities.
Have a great week!!!!
Sister Houston
P.S. I need some mail!!
July 11, 2011
Hey family,
Well, how is everyone?? Im doing good. Its been a good week...
Lets see where to start...
Well, Barbara was busy with her family all week so unfortunately we were not able to meet with her. Her daughter had surgery and she's had her grand kids over. Our last lesson with her was on Sunday, the one I emailed home about. After that lesson we scheduled a time to come back tonight, which is still on by the way. Yay!
Usually we try to have daily contact some how with all our investigators to help keep them on track and meet with them at least once a week. We were kind of worried about the long gap with out seeing or talking to her. hee hee its probably not long to her, right, but to us its a pretty long time. A WHOLE WEEK!! But....the Lord provided a way for us to see her :)
Thursday morning we had an appointment set up with someone we tracted into who lives right across the street from Barbara actually. He was a no show. We even got a member to come. As we were talking to the member about his less active wife, Barbara came outside! She had visitors so we waited a little bit before we headed over to say hello. It was great. She told us about her daughters surgery and called us later that night to let us know everything went well. We are very excited to see her tonight and hopefully she will come to church on Sunday!
Ok anyways, Sister Morrell and I had another way cool experience while tracting this week. We were tracting a street that had a bunch of cars parked along the side. There was a hidden park somewhere back in the trees. Some kind of game was going on...maybe baseball. I dont know but anyways there were people coming and going from this little path way. We talked to everyone we could. Most were not interested. We continued down the road and we see this young man walking up the side walk on the opposite side of the road. I had a thought to go talk to him. Then i selfishly started to make up excuses not to like "oh he's to young" or "he's walking to fast its to late". Then, my wonderful companion who was receiving the same prompting as I was thinking these things yelled out "hey you! Can we talk to you for a minute?" Matthew, thats the young man's name, walked right on over surprisingly with out any hesitation. We ended up talking to him for a good 15 minutes or so. Matthew is not religious mostly because of his parents but he has lots and lots of questions that he wants answers to. We set up a time to go back this next week. It was a great experience. Another eye opener for me! We pray everyday for the Lord to put people in our path. He does and the Spirit is there to prompt us, but we wont know it until we act on those promptings.
Well, thats all for now. I love you family. I love the gospel and know its true. Its a blessing to know that there is more to our lives then just living. Our choices have meaning! They are preparing us for the eternities.
Have a great week!!!!
Sister Houston
P.S. I need some mail!!
Sister Houston's email:
July 5, 2011
hey family!
Sorry this is a day later then you were expecting. Im sure you figured out by now that the libraries were closed for the 4th of July. Im at the Kirtland Sites today. I dont have much time to email or to read my emails so sorry if I don't respond to anything that was sent!! I'll have to print them out and read them later today. Im very excited to read Mitchell's email!
Anyways, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! We had a nice little flag ceremony here yesterday morning, recognized those who have fought for our country, and then had a breakfast feast right after. It was an enjoyable day. Nice and HOT!! How was yours??? Did you guys go watch fireworks?
Well, Im doing good. I had an experience this week that strengthened my testimony of missionary work. I hope i will be able to put it into words so that you all can feel the power of it too!
Remember my email a few weeks back (June 13th to be exact) about tracting into Barbara? The one who has ancestors that worked on the Kirtland Temple? Ahhh im so excited to tell you about the what happened with her....
On Friday we met with Barbara for the first time. It went great. We got to know her better and taught the Restoration. Although it was the longest lesson ever (2 HOURS) it was one directed by the spirit. Barbara is another Joseph Smith! She's confused just like he was and is searching for answers. She has been to many many different churchs but has always felt that in each one there is something missing. Her spiritual needs haven't been satisfied. Barbara had great questions through out the lesson, one after the other. Ones that Sister Morrell and I would not of known how to answer with out the Spirit.
Growing up her grandma filled her in about her ancestors who were among the first members so she knew a little about the church. Some of her facts were off. Her ancestors joined in New York, traveled over to Kirland, and had a part in building the Kirtland Temple. When the saints left Ohio some stayed behind and others went on. Barbara already had a Book of Mormon. She's had it for years and doesnt remember how she got it. Ok so after the lesson we invited her to read the Restoration pamphlet and set up a time to come back after church on Sunday.
Sunday's lesson was even better! Barbara seemed very excited to have us there. She read the pamphlet and had more questions. The lesson went on and the conversation turned towards God having a plan for her and finding answers to her prayers. I love prayer. I know its the way to communicate with Heavenly Father and that he hears and answers them. I wanted her to know this! We were testifying and sharing personal experiences. The spirit was powerful. It brought to our minds questions to ask and scriptures to use. Barbara told us that after we left on Friday she came back in the house and sat right back down to read the pamphlet. Within minutes she had this overwhelming "weird and powerful" feeling come over her. She explained that shes met with other religious people to have Bible studies with but has never felt anything like she did. We tried to help her describe it. She said it was calm, peaceful, weird, powerful and she felt happy. The fruits of the Spirit!!! It was a different happy she said. A happy she's never experienced before. We shared scriptures with her and testified that this was the spirit.
It gets better....
Then she went on to say that just a couple days before we came knocking on her door she had knelt in prayer pleading with God and asking for help. Barbara has had a rough life. She's been married and divorced three times. One of her husbands beat her so badly he put her in the intensive care, another is in jail for doing wrong wrong things to her daughter and the last one took off when she was diagnosed with cancer. She's stayed strong and hopefully. She's always trusted in God and believes that he has a plan for her. Barbara said when she was praying she had know idea what to say or what to ask for she just knew she needed help. She needed something more. Then we came to her door just two days later!!! We testified some more and tried to help her see that this was an answer to her prayer.
This experience changed my mission. As she was talking I kept thinking about those mormon messages where members share how they were praying for help and the next day missionaries came knocking on there door!! Ha it happened to me!! Missionary work is Real. I know more then ever that its the Lords work. His hand is in it. Her ancestors have to be around her preparing her to receive this message. I have such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my Heavenly Father for allowing me to have this experience.
I hope you all know that Heavenly Father and Christ are living. Thats ok if you don't but I strongly encourage you to find out for yourself if they are. It will bring true and lasting happiness into your lives!! They love us and know us. There are angels around us preparing the hearts of Gods children to except this message.
I love you family!! Thank you for everything!! I hope you all have a fabulous week!!!
Sister Houston
Sister Houston's email:
July 5, 2011
hey family!
Sorry this is a day later then you were expecting. Im sure you figured out by now that the libraries were closed for the 4th of July. Im at the Kirtland Sites today. I dont have much time to email or to read my emails so sorry if I don't respond to anything that was sent!! I'll have to print them out and read them later today. Im very excited to read Mitchell's email!
Anyways, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! We had a nice little flag ceremony here yesterday morning, recognized those who have fought for our country, and then had a breakfast feast right after. It was an enjoyable day. Nice and HOT!! How was yours??? Did you guys go watch fireworks?
Well, Im doing good. I had an experience this week that strengthened my testimony of missionary work. I hope i will be able to put it into words so that you all can feel the power of it too!
Remember my email a few weeks back (June 13th to be exact) about tracting into Barbara? The one who has ancestors that worked on the Kirtland Temple? Ahhh im so excited to tell you about the what happened with her....
On Friday we met with Barbara for the first time. It went great. We got to know her better and taught the Restoration. Although it was the longest lesson ever (2 HOURS) it was one directed by the spirit. Barbara is another Joseph Smith! She's confused just like he was and is searching for answers. She has been to many many different churchs but has always felt that in each one there is something missing. Her spiritual needs haven't been satisfied. Barbara had great questions through out the lesson, one after the other. Ones that Sister Morrell and I would not of known how to answer with out the Spirit.
Growing up her grandma filled her in about her ancestors who were among the first members so she knew a little about the church. Some of her facts were off. Her ancestors joined in New York, traveled over to Kirland, and had a part in building the Kirtland Temple. When the saints left Ohio some stayed behind and others went on. Barbara already had a Book of Mormon. She's had it for years and doesnt remember how she got it. Ok so after the lesson we invited her to read the Restoration pamphlet and set up a time to come back after church on Sunday.
Sunday's lesson was even better! Barbara seemed very excited to have us there. She read the pamphlet and had more questions. The lesson went on and the conversation turned towards God having a plan for her and finding answers to her prayers. I love prayer. I know its the way to communicate with Heavenly Father and that he hears and answers them. I wanted her to know this! We were testifying and sharing personal experiences. The spirit was powerful. It brought to our minds questions to ask and scriptures to use. Barbara told us that after we left on Friday she came back in the house and sat right back down to read the pamphlet. Within minutes she had this overwhelming "weird and powerful" feeling come over her. She explained that shes met with other religious people to have Bible studies with but has never felt anything like she did. We tried to help her describe it. She said it was calm, peaceful, weird, powerful and she felt happy. The fruits of the Spirit!!! It was a different happy she said. A happy she's never experienced before. We shared scriptures with her and testified that this was the spirit.
It gets better....
Then she went on to say that just a couple days before we came knocking on her door she had knelt in prayer pleading with God and asking for help. Barbara has had a rough life. She's been married and divorced three times. One of her husbands beat her so badly he put her in the intensive care, another is in jail for doing wrong wrong things to her daughter and the last one took off when she was diagnosed with cancer. She's stayed strong and hopefully. She's always trusted in God and believes that he has a plan for her. Barbara said when she was praying she had know idea what to say or what to ask for she just knew she needed help. She needed something more. Then we came to her door just two days later!!! We testified some more and tried to help her see that this was an answer to her prayer.
This experience changed my mission. As she was talking I kept thinking about those mormon messages where members share how they were praying for help and the next day missionaries came knocking on there door!! Ha it happened to me!! Missionary work is Real. I know more then ever that its the Lords work. His hand is in it. Her ancestors have to be around her preparing her to receive this message. I have such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my Heavenly Father for allowing me to have this experience.
I hope you all know that Heavenly Father and Christ are living. Thats ok if you don't but I strongly encourage you to find out for yourself if they are. It will bring true and lasting happiness into your lives!! They love us and know us. There are angels around us preparing the hearts of Gods children to except this message.
I love you family!! Thank you for everything!! I hope you all have a fabulous week!!!
Sister Houston
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sister Houston's Email:
June 27, 2011
Hey family,
Its been another great week. Sister Morrell and I've seen a lot of success (or a butt load as Elder Houston would say heehee what a goof ball) His email made me laugh especially about his companion warming up to him after letting out some toots....heehee i dont think that would quite work for sisters do you? heehee What a silly goose. It sounds like he is doing great! Can't wait to here from him again.
Saturday we met with Vera and Christophe. We had an "un-planned" dinner with them and great conversation about...hmmm mostly the process of conversion and missionary work. (now as a side note: if i come home a little more round dont judge :) im trying to be Christlike and except that people just LOVE LOVE feeding missionaries..all the time. im sooo spoiled! :) ) Anyways, Vera is doing great. You can see the light of the Gospel glowing in her countenance. Its beautiful! Christophe...well lets just say he thinks way to much. Its difficult for me to explain this man. Through out the conversations that evening i found out that he believes in evolution, not Adam and Eve and that he is so concerned about the world, EVERYTHING that is happening in it. He knows something is coming soon and he's been working on getting home food storage :) Christophe is trying to change. He said that he doesn't believe this is true but wants to know. He has a desire to obey and follow Christ's teachings mostly because he wants happiness and strength in his family. He clearly sees this is the way. He'll change. I have hope for it. This family deserves the best. God wants it for them just as he does for all his children.
Also on Saturday, we met with a member who has been recently reactivated. Her name is Sister Lewis. What an amazing person she is. She has so much love for missionaries its ridiculous. Her husband Larry who is not a member has a ton of health problems. Poor guy. Basically lives on the couch. He has cancer and heart failure. Remember Linda? Well she is one of his caregivers that we were teaching for a little while. Because she lives in Ravenna's area we had to give her up to them...stink. She was there on Saturday too! Sister Morrell and I have been seeking for ways to involve Larry when we come over and teach Sister Lewis. Its hard because most of the time he is sleeping. Well we had met with her on Tuesday and really focused the lesson on families. She wants this for her family so badly. We tried to brainstorm with her things she could do with him and how she could approach it. Eventually we came up with the idea to come watch Finding Faith in Christ on Saturday. It turned out to perfect. Larry ordered us all pizza too (another "un-planned" lunch..heehee). This is such a beautiful DVD. Linda loved it too. We testified of Christ and shared how every individual can come to know him personally. This was a miracle all brought about by the Lord.
The Johnson Home was awesome. There was a man and his wife that came through from Utah. It turned out that he was the mission president for Jamaica in the 1900s. Some how he started talking about how there was no white girls allowed in his mission because of how dangerous it was. I thought of Sister Speakman! Ha and then asked if he knew that there were now sisters serving over there. He had no idea and his eyes lite up!!
so many other things happened this week. I wish i had time to tell you all of them!
The Lord's work is amazing.
I have a full heart today :)
I hope you all know how much i love you and how much your heavenly father loves you. Thank you for everything family! I hope that everyone has a fabulous week and be safe.
Talk to you soon!
June 27, 2011
Hey family,
Its been another great week. Sister Morrell and I've seen a lot of success (or a butt load as Elder Houston would say heehee what a goof ball) His email made me laugh especially about his companion warming up to him after letting out some toots....heehee i dont think that would quite work for sisters do you? heehee What a silly goose. It sounds like he is doing great! Can't wait to here from him again.
Saturday we met with Vera and Christophe. We had an "un-planned" dinner with them and great conversation about...hmmm mostly the process of conversion and missionary work. (now as a side note: if i come home a little more round dont judge :) im trying to be Christlike and except that people just LOVE LOVE feeding missionaries..all the time. im sooo spoiled! :) ) Anyways, Vera is doing great. You can see the light of the Gospel glowing in her countenance. Its beautiful! Christophe...well lets just say he thinks way to much. Its difficult for me to explain this man. Through out the conversations that evening i found out that he believes in evolution, not Adam and Eve and that he is so concerned about the world, EVERYTHING that is happening in it. He knows something is coming soon and he's been working on getting home food storage :) Christophe is trying to change. He said that he doesn't believe this is true but wants to know. He has a desire to obey and follow Christ's teachings mostly because he wants happiness and strength in his family. He clearly sees this is the way. He'll change. I have hope for it. This family deserves the best. God wants it for them just as he does for all his children.
Also on Saturday, we met with a member who has been recently reactivated. Her name is Sister Lewis. What an amazing person she is. She has so much love for missionaries its ridiculous. Her husband Larry who is not a member has a ton of health problems. Poor guy. Basically lives on the couch. He has cancer and heart failure. Remember Linda? Well she is one of his caregivers that we were teaching for a little while. Because she lives in Ravenna's area we had to give her up to them...stink. She was there on Saturday too! Sister Morrell and I have been seeking for ways to involve Larry when we come over and teach Sister Lewis. Its hard because most of the time he is sleeping. Well we had met with her on Tuesday and really focused the lesson on families. She wants this for her family so badly. We tried to brainstorm with her things she could do with him and how she could approach it. Eventually we came up with the idea to come watch Finding Faith in Christ on Saturday. It turned out to perfect. Larry ordered us all pizza too (another "un-planned" lunch..heehee). This is such a beautiful DVD. Linda loved it too. We testified of Christ and shared how every individual can come to know him personally. This was a miracle all brought about by the Lord.
The Johnson Home was awesome. There was a man and his wife that came through from Utah. It turned out that he was the mission president for Jamaica in the 1900s. Some how he started talking about how there was no white girls allowed in his mission because of how dangerous it was. I thought of Sister Speakman! Ha and then asked if he knew that there were now sisters serving over there. He had no idea and his eyes lite up!!
so many other things happened this week. I wish i had time to tell you all of them!
The Lord's work is amazing.
I have a full heart today :)
I hope you all know how much i love you and how much your heavenly father loves you. Thank you for everything family! I hope that everyone has a fabulous week and be safe.
Talk to you soon!
Sister Houston and Sister Morrell are truly blessed to be a part of Vera's life and to see the changes happen to their family and hopefully they will be a forever family!! Heavenly Father truly opens doors for these sweet sister missionaries
Sister Houston's Email:
June 21, 2011
Hello Family,
Well, transfer news is here. Im staying in Hiram with Sister Morrell. Im surprised. Its a happy surprise! Im grateful to be staying. I love the area, the ward and of course the Johnson Home.
Some more happy news....Vera got baptized!!!! Everything worked out perfectly. She had her baptism on Saturday the 18th of June and then was given the Holy Ghost and confirmed on Father's Day. It was a beautiful baptismal service. There were many from the ward who came to support her as well as co-workers/friends most of whom were non-members. President and Sister Sorensen even came! Vera is amazing. I cant even put into words how incredible this gal is. She's been bombarded with temptations and opposition so much. Even the day of her baptism. One of her teachers that works for her researched online about Mormons. While they were at the school on Saturday he had approached her and asked if she was sure about it and kind of challenged her about our beliefs. Vera didnt let it effect her. It helps that she has members that either work for her music school or are students there. She has so much support and strong friendships with a lot of people. Its a blessing. I think i mentioned it already but Vera is a concert pianist. Very musically talented. Her and another man, James Rhodes, played two beautiful musical numbers at the baptism. She was on the piano. He was on the Violin. Her blessing on Sunday was powerful and her family was there to hear it, Christophe, her two step sons and her daughter. Her husbands heart is softening and he's been right next to her supporting all the decisions she's been making. It was a very spiritual and uplifting weekend. My heart is so full. Im so humbled and grateful for the many opportunities I've had this week to feel the sweetness of the Spirit. I have a testimony of missionary work. Of my purpose.
I came across this quote this week. Elder Oaks says it perfectly "We invite all to come unto Christ by repentance and baptism and confirmation in order to open the doors of the celestial kingdom to the sons and daughters of God. No one else can do this" This is the message of the Temple! Now Vera and her family can prepare to go!
Its been a good week. Full of spiritual experiences.
My testimony of the Spirit has been strengthened. Its the sweetest feeling anyone can ever feel. When it touches the heart, hearts are changed. Its evidence of God and Christ's love for us. The darkness and despair we may feel in this life can be replaced by the light of their goodness which is felt through the spirit. It brings the sweetest joy. This scripture describes it perfectly Alma 19:6. One of my favorites! I love you family. Im grateful for all your prayers and your support. I think of you often. Continue to be great examples for those around you! Be missionaries!! The Lord will help.
Im happy to hear that Mitch is doing well. and my sweet Colten :) Im sure there the best missionaries ever!
I hope you all have a fabulous week!! Write soon!!!
Love you,
Sister Houston
PS I have a funny....when i was in the phone room yesterday. I left a message for a member to call us back with the number of there non-member friend. At the end of my message I was about to say "in the name of Jesus Christ, amen" Heee heee oh my goodness i was so embarrassed! Thankfully i stopped my self before i said it!!
PSS Yes please forward me Mitchells and Coltens emails!! I would love them! Thanks mom!
Sorry everyone I am struggling to get caught up with Tori's blog....please bare with me!!
She is an amazing Missionary so with a few transfers left I hope you will stick with me until she is home!!
Sister Houston's email
June 13, 2011
Hey family,
I feel like i say this all the time, but another transfer has come and gone! Crazy how fast they go these days. No good. That means I only have three more. THREE MORE!!!!
What a week. We served at the Johnson Farm Wednesday and Friday. Not very many tours those days. We took one tour through on Wednesday. A family of five and the grandparents. I loved what the mom said to me about Joseph Smith right after the tour...."He had to have known this was all true! After everything he went through, the tar and feathering, all the persecution...he had to have known everything was real to be so committed and to stick to it" Just this simple statement was so powerful for me to hear. The spirit was invited through her simple testimony and my heart was prepared to feel it because I've been striving to strengthen my testimony of the prophet. Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God!
We had a good week in our area as well. Remember my long story about Vera and her family last week? Well, we ended up teaching her 3 times again. We are trying to get all the lessons in so she can be baptized on Saturday. Sister Morrell and I have been helped a ton by people in the ward as well of course by the Lord. We've been strengthened in our ability to teach to meet Vera's needs in the little time we've been given to do it. Tender mercies from the Lord. She's been faced with many challenges in the last two weeks. Things that could of potentially prevented her from wanting to be baptized. Through her faith in Christ, Vera has done great enduring through them with hope that everything will work out. There was even a mix up with the church building being reserved for a reception the night of the 18th. No worries though, as far as right now we are doing it at the Solon building so everything is still good to go! Im grateful for the opportunity to be here to see her be baptized. Such a blessing.
My testimony of the power and authority of my calling has been strengthened.
A couple of examples:
Saturday we planned to stop by a former investigator from 2008. It was a tiny little apartment complex. The setting of it made me uncomfortable. There was a group of people off in the corner bbq as well as drinking. As we were walking in, there was a man that passed us in the parking lot. I had a thought to go and talk to him, but just kept walking. When we walked inside there was another group of people this time teen/ysa age. We hurried and knocked on the door. The former investigator had moved a long time ago. We talk to the boys inviting them to look at and turned to go. The man i saw in the parking lot was coming through the door. We introduced our selves and ended up staying and talking with him for 15 minutes or so. He was a less-active member not on our ward list. Hasnt been to church for over 20 years. He recognized who we were but didn't want to talk to us...actually he said he was trying really hard to do everything he could to avoid us! heehee We don't know how things will go from here. He doesnt really have a desire to come back. Heavenly Father knows his heart and Sister Morrell and I were guided to be there.
Yesterday, also while tracting we met a lady named Barbara. Turns out that Barbara's great great great grandpa helped build the Kirtland Temple! Ha so cool! She grew up in Kirtland but hasnt been out that way for a long time. Barbara has know clue how important this building is, why there was even a need to build it. We testified of Temples and invited her to go see a play put toghether by the Kirtland Stake thats coming in July all about the Kirtland era. She said we could call her and come back some time. This was as well not a coincidence.
Its such an awesome feeling being able to recognize the Lord's hand.
Sister Morrell and I had many many encounters with dogs too. Dumb dogs. One snapped at Sister Morrells leg while her big chicken companion took of running once I saw the dumb dog charge at us. Another laid a little treasure for us, wait wait wait actually a very very large smelly treasure right by our feet while we were testifiing of the Book of Mormon to his owner. This dog was almost as big as teddy!! Sick!!
Anyways...The church is true :)
well next wednesday is transfers. I'll find out Monday if im staying or going. Tuesday is our p-day!
I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you!!! I love you!!! I love you!!!
I hope you have a safe and fun trip to Utah. Tell the Princes that I say hello!
Sister Houston
She is an amazing Missionary so with a few transfers left I hope you will stick with me until she is home!!
Sister Houston's email
June 13, 2011
Hey family,
I feel like i say this all the time, but another transfer has come and gone! Crazy how fast they go these days. No good. That means I only have three more. THREE MORE!!!!
What a week. We served at the Johnson Farm Wednesday and Friday. Not very many tours those days. We took one tour through on Wednesday. A family of five and the grandparents. I loved what the mom said to me about Joseph Smith right after the tour...."He had to have known this was all true! After everything he went through, the tar and feathering, all the persecution...he had to have known everything was real to be so committed and to stick to it" Just this simple statement was so powerful for me to hear. The spirit was invited through her simple testimony and my heart was prepared to feel it because I've been striving to strengthen my testimony of the prophet. Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God!
We had a good week in our area as well. Remember my long story about Vera and her family last week? Well, we ended up teaching her 3 times again. We are trying to get all the lessons in so she can be baptized on Saturday. Sister Morrell and I have been helped a ton by people in the ward as well of course by the Lord. We've been strengthened in our ability to teach to meet Vera's needs in the little time we've been given to do it. Tender mercies from the Lord. She's been faced with many challenges in the last two weeks. Things that could of potentially prevented her from wanting to be baptized. Through her faith in Christ, Vera has done great enduring through them with hope that everything will work out. There was even a mix up with the church building being reserved for a reception the night of the 18th. No worries though, as far as right now we are doing it at the Solon building so everything is still good to go! Im grateful for the opportunity to be here to see her be baptized. Such a blessing.
My testimony of the power and authority of my calling has been strengthened.
A couple of examples:
Saturday we planned to stop by a former investigator from 2008. It was a tiny little apartment complex. The setting of it made me uncomfortable. There was a group of people off in the corner bbq as well as drinking. As we were walking in, there was a man that passed us in the parking lot. I had a thought to go and talk to him, but just kept walking. When we walked inside there was another group of people this time teen/ysa age. We hurried and knocked on the door. The former investigator had moved a long time ago. We talk to the boys inviting them to look at and turned to go. The man i saw in the parking lot was coming through the door. We introduced our selves and ended up staying and talking with him for 15 minutes or so. He was a less-active member not on our ward list. Hasnt been to church for over 20 years. He recognized who we were but didn't want to talk to us...actually he said he was trying really hard to do everything he could to avoid us! heehee We don't know how things will go from here. He doesnt really have a desire to come back. Heavenly Father knows his heart and Sister Morrell and I were guided to be there.
Yesterday, also while tracting we met a lady named Barbara. Turns out that Barbara's great great great grandpa helped build the Kirtland Temple! Ha so cool! She grew up in Kirtland but hasnt been out that way for a long time. Barbara has know clue how important this building is, why there was even a need to build it. We testified of Temples and invited her to go see a play put toghether by the Kirtland Stake thats coming in July all about the Kirtland era. She said we could call her and come back some time. This was as well not a coincidence.
Its such an awesome feeling being able to recognize the Lord's hand.
Sister Morrell and I had many many encounters with dogs too. Dumb dogs. One snapped at Sister Morrells leg while her big chicken companion took of running once I saw the dumb dog charge at us. Another laid a little treasure for us, wait wait wait actually a very very large smelly treasure right by our feet while we were testifiing of the Book of Mormon to his owner. This dog was almost as big as teddy!! Sick!!
Anyways...The church is true :)
well next wednesday is transfers. I'll find out Monday if im staying or going. Tuesday is our p-day!
I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you!!! I love you!!! I love you!!!
I hope you have a safe and fun trip to Utah. Tell the Princes that I say hello!
Sister Houston
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