Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hi Family!!

Tori is such a great missionary and daughter of God!!
I love hearing her funny stories!
I think i will post Tori's last email!! She is so funny the way she explains things that it is hard for me to do it in my own words:

Well hello my wonderful family!

How are you all doing? I miss everyone! I try not to think about how long I still have because then I get sad. It seems so far away but I know it will go by fast! Guess what we did for P-day today?? Sister Stewart, Sister Hill, her companion Sister Carter and I went to Omish Country! Yeah I totally saw the omish! They were just riding along in there little buggies around town, even have some shops where they sell all the crafty things they make. We were going to go eat at a restuarant and stop by a chocolate factory but of course we didn't have time. We did get to stop and look through a couple of shops where I got to feed some baby goats and buy the "Worlds Best Sugar Cookie"! Im pretty sure it was the best! They had all kinds of goodies, banana bread, cinnamon rolls, homemade peanut brittle! I wanted to buy everything in sight and send it home for you all but I was worried about the cost heehee. We also stopped at a cheese factory where I met this kind old LDS lady who purchased some mozerella cheese for me! Oh and Sister Carter informed me on the drive there that the men who are married have beards and those who are single are clean shaven! Interesting people.....

Well this week has been ok. Most of the sisters including Sister Stewart and I have not been able to have alot of time in our area. When we were in our area we just tracted, did stop bys and made appointments for next week but taught zero people so its been a pretty slow week. Transfers are on the 21st of July so like a week and a half and because 8 of the sisters are going home and 10 new ones are coming out, 10 of the sisters here were asked to be trainers. So for 2 days last week and 2 days this week those trainers have to go to like an all day training workshop so we have had to switch our schedule around. Its been crazy busy at sites and we were there for 3 full days last week. The same for this week. I was able to go to a baptism yesterday though! Sister Stewart, me, Sister Wright, Sister Andersen (my mtc companion), and two Elders, Elder Robison and Elder Bills all serve in the same ward. I think because the boundaries stretch out for miles but anyways the elders had a investigator baptized on Sunday and Sister Stewart was asked to give a short talk. Guess what I was asked to do??? Yup lead the music, my first time ever leading. It was quite embarrassing standing up there waving my arm back and forth pretending like I was on beat. Im sure I looked like a fool heehee. A mission is definately preparing me for life! I do all sorts of things that make me look quite silly! Im even eating things I would have never eaten before for example tomatos and just for lunch we stopped to get a pizza and everyone wanted supreme so I ate a supreme pizza! yay me! it wasn't too bad either except I picked off the onions. Anyways back to the baptism...oh my goodness what an amazing feeling! The spirit was so strong and it made me think back to my baptism. I didn't know at the time what a special day that was and I don't think I fully understood what a step I was taking!

Im so grateful for you wonderful family! Thanks for being such great examples for me! I hope I have time to write letters today. We stopped on the way home from Omish Country in Sister Carters and Sister Hills area to emailing and then after we finish up here we are going to shop for food then heading back home so if you don't get letters from me this week i so so sorry!!

Mom, I never get tired of getting your letters so please keep writing! If you didn't send them I wouldnt get very much mail heehee! You and Shalyse better keep them coming or else!!!!! I love to hear how everyone is doing and no I never got any pictures from your trip to Texas except one of you guys at the space center. I did get my SD card though and Shaylse I got your package!! Thank you! Those pictures made my day! What a cute family i have!!

Well Im out of time, hope everything is going great back home! Everyone write me or I will kick some butt!

Love you all!
Sister Houston

ps there are all kinds of creatures out here. I've seen deers, wild rabbits, squirrels every where, nasty nasty bugs and the other day i saw Pip, you know the little squirrel type animal on the movie Enchanted the one that accidently poos!! Made me laugh so hard when I saw it!!

Hopefully we will get Pictures soon!!
Sister Houston would LOVE to hear from all of you!! better do it or she might kick some Butt!!

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