Saturday, February 12, 2011


This email is one of my favorites that she has written! She is so HAPPPY and content with were she is and what she is doing right now!! She has been richly blessed by her Heavenly Father and we as a family back home have been blessed just as much because of the sacrifices that she is doing at this moment. Because of her sacrifice to be a missionary, she taught and baptised a beautiful young women and saw the changes that the gospel brought to her life and now this women's mom is now going to be baptised and they will become an eternal family!

Sister Houston's email
January 26, 2011

My dearest family,
How are you all doing??? I LOVE getting to hear from you every week through email and letters. You each have a special place in my heart. I hope you all know that! A senior missionary in the office sent this quote out to the mission:

“All that I now hold dear in life began to mature in the mission field….My life has been richly blessed beyond measure because I served a mission.” (Elder Richard G. Scott, May 2006 Ensign)

Although I am not finished with my mission just yet, I can feel a change in myself. I've gained a greater appreciation and love for the things that matter most in life. I know what matters most! Its a learning process, but Im grateful for the things that I've learn so far and the many many blessings that you have received and will continue to receive through my service as a missionary for the Lord.
It's been a wonderful week. No funny stories, but I do have the best news ever!!!!!!!!!
First let me tell you that Elder and Sister Butterfield, the site directors for Kirtland, ended their service and flew home Saturday. We had a farewell dinner for them a couple weeks ago and last week they had a open house where all their fellow friends and loved ones could come say Adios. Even though the Butterfields love all the sisters so dearly, for us to be able to attend this party we had to have an investigator, recent convert, or less active. Mission Rules. Sadly, Sister Lyman and I didn't get to go to this festive event. Anyways, why I am telling you this is because Sister Everson, who is still serving in Norwalk came to the open house and told Sister Stewart some FABULOUS NEWS!!!!!
K, remember Jocelyn and her mom Dayle??? Remember how I said that it was only a matter of time until Dayle would be baptized???? GUESS WHAT? Dayle finally asked to take the missionary discussions!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am to hear this! They are going to be an eternal family some day! This is why I am out here. To help people receive all the wonderful blessing heavenly father wants to give them. All the hard work, stress and heartache are completely worth it. Its an amazing feeling when you get to hear of someone you love so much finally except the gospel! I received a letter both from Jocelyn and Sister Everson this last week telling me again of this wonderful news. Jocelyn is getting her patriartical blessing soon and on Saturday Her and her mom are coming out to Kirtland to take a tour and watch the Joseph Smith film, which by the way is now on DVD! I'm sad that I wont be there but Sister Stewart will be and she is going to give them a big hug for me! I'm so happy for them. Keep them in your prayers k!!!!
To add to the goodnews of Dayle, Sister Lyman and I found a couple of potential investigators. We hope and pray they will continue to want to learn, but even if they don't we know its just a matter of time until we are guided to someone who is. No effort is wasted!!
Well family I love you! If you haven't checked out the new you definitely should! Look at the January Engsign. It will tell you more details! Getting people to look at this website is one of the main focuses of the mission right now. There are some pretty amazing videos of people and theIR life experiences. You should watch them for family night. One of my favorites is Paris Thomas. Mitch and Hunter please watch. This is the blessing of missionary work. I promise you'll love it. Paris is now serving a mission. One of the sisters I serve with was in the MTC with him. So cool!!
I hope you all have a wonderful week!!!! I LOVE YOU

Sister Houston

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